What is the transportation options and details to get from Changning to Lijiang?
Answers (3)
Answered by Sally from Canada | Jul. 25, 2013 02:35
Do you refer to the Changning city of Hunan province? If so, it is really far. I suggest you take a bus to Hengyang. Then transfer to a train to Kunming, where you can take another train to LJ.
Answered by Rubi from Malaysia | Jul. 25, 2013 22:47
Hi Sally,
I meant Changning county in Yunnan. I am wondering whether there is any buses that I can take straight to LJ?
My current idea is to take a bus to Baoshan city and then hopefully they have a bus/train direct to get there?
If not then bus from Baoshan to Dali and then from Dali (bus or train?) to LJ.
Can you advice which is better route ( in terms of time and money) to take?
Answered by Rubi from Malaysia | Jul. 25, 2013 22:49