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Asked by Simon from China | Apr. 08, 2013 20:28
About:Chinese Temporary Residence Permit

New requirements for Marriage and Birth Cert authentication.

I've been living and working in Qingdao, accompanied by my wife, who is originally Chinese but now a naturalised British Citizen, and our 2 daughters (both born in the United Kingdom) since 2000. My wife and I were married in Guangdong, China in 1993 so have a Chinese marriage certificate. Our Visa/Residence is due to expire and we've been told that we will have to have our Marriage Certificate authenticated by the Chinese authorities and our daughters Birth Certificates authenticated by the British Embassy and the certificate of authentication verified by the China Notary. My employer handles the application but say we must complete the document authentication ourselves. Does anyone have experience of the procedure involved?
Thanks in advance.

Answers (2)
Answered by Brown | Apr. 09, 2013 04:44
It sounds too complicated, your Chinese marriage certificate authenticated by Chinese authorities? confused... Maybe you can get your daughters' birth certificate authenticated by UK embassy/consulate in China first.
Answered by Simon from China | Apr. 09, 2013 20:52
Yes, I suspect the possibility that the 'foreigner' involved was married in China was left out of the equation when the requirement was introduced. Apparently, this new requirement is in response to a large number of Korean nationals (amongst others) who are bringing people from to live in China under false pretenses. The cost of living is much lower and, due to the large and relatively affluent Korean expat population, cash in hand domestic work easy to find. Someone who is here on a Z gets together with someone who wants to live in China and they procure false marriage certs and birth certs for children enabling them enter and reside in China. My understanding is that these authentications will have to be renew every year prior to visa renewal. I can't understand why this can't be a one off procedure considering the marriage and birth certs don't change from year to year.

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