Asked by andy from singapore | Jan. 23, 2013 03:19
About:Guangzhou Airport Long Distance Bus

Baiyun airport to changping, dongguan

I saw the transport to dongguan but not too sure to changping

Answers (3)
Answered by Daniel | Jan. 23, 2013 21:13
Yes, you are right. There are direct buses for Dongguan but not for Changping.
If you want to go to Changping, you can take airport express bus to reach CAAC near the local railway station and then go to the Provincal Bus Station also near the local railway station. In this bus station, you can find many buses for Changping.
Answered by andy from Singapore | Jan. 24, 2013 06:26
Hi Daniel,

appreciate your response.

If you dont mind, where can i take the airport express bus? And where is CAAC? Would i be able to see the bus going to Changping easily? Its my first alone trip there. It will really sux to get lost over there.
Answered by Daniel | Jan. 27, 2013 01:23
After all the checking things, you can easily find the location of the express buses according to the guiding signs.

Sorry for my mistake that the express bus will stop at Aviation Ticket Office, near the local Railway Station. Upon your getting off, you can easily find the Provincial Bus Station nearby. At the bus station, you can buy the ticket and easily find the bus to Changping. If anything unclear, I suggest you consult people around, especially young people who may speak English.
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