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Asked by dan | Dec. 22, 2012 00:56
About:China Visa Application in USA

Invitation letter from China for my application

If the person inviting me is an American living in China, and if he does not have a driver's license, what does he have to provide for me to fulfill this invitation requirement? What should be the content of the invitation letter?
If I reserve a hotel, what's the required minimum length of reservation that I need to show? I'll be staying in china for twe weeks.

Answers (1)
Answered by Alvin | Dec. 22, 2012 03:12
The letter should include your personal information, such as name, gender,and date of birth; purpose of the visit to China, travel itinerary such as date of entry and exit, places of visit, relationship between you and the inviter, and who will bear the expenses in China; and copies of passport information page, valid visa or residence permit.
For hotel reservation, you can just provide that of first few days after entry.

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