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Asked by Sian | Dec. 10, 2012 04:23
About:Shenyang Travel

I'm student.. Food, clothes, how much does it cost in Shenyang?

Hi I am a student and I'm moving to that city. I want to ask some questions.

1): How much does one time meal cost in SY(Breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
* So, how much money I would need per month for food ?

2) How much does it cost in the city for clothes? Especially for winter clothes (shoes, jacket, etc.)

Answers (3)
Answered by Kate | Dec. 10, 2012 21:49
If you live in college and eat Chinese food in canteen, the cost can be saved. It may cost you about 15 to 20 RMB per day. If you do not like Chinese food, the cost may rise to about 50 RMB per day.
If you go to the shoppig mall and buy high quality clothes, a jacket may cost you about 1000 RMB. A pair of shoes will costyou about 400 to 500 RMB.
Answered by Sian | Dec. 16, 2012 09:23
Thanks Kate :)
YOU said "It may cost you about 15 to 20 RMB"

*You are telling me the PRICE of 3 times food(Including breakfast-lunch & dinner) or the cost of just one time FOOD ??
And does Chinese food halal? If It will be HALAL, then I've no probelm eating chinese food.
Answered by Lisa | Dec. 17, 2012 01:14
Hi, you just need around CNY20 per day for three meals.
Some dishes of Chinese food are hahal, but some not. So you can choose and have a try. And also if you eat the Halal food in school, it will be that expensive, spending CNY 30 or around for three regular daily meals can make you full enough.

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