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Asked by Lila | Sep. 17, 2012 15:02
About:FAQ of Chinese Visa Application

Work visa/permit


I got offered a job in Beijing. They suggested that I apply for a tourist visa first, and after I arrive in Beijing, they will help me apply for a work visa/permit (I don't know the difference between those two). Can you please tell me if this is possible without having to go back to my own country to apply for it?


Answers (6)
Answered by Ethan | Sep. 18, 2012 02:58
yes, it is possible, you can apply in HK without going back to your home country.
Answered by Lila | Sep. 18, 2012 05:17
Hi Ethan, thank you for your answer. Do you reckon it's better to directly apply for a work visa to Beijing, or to apply for a tourist visa to HK first and then change it there to a work visa? Do I need to be at least 24 years old to apply for a work visa? Thanks!
Answered by Ethan | Sep. 19, 2012 01:34
Obviously, it is better to apply for a work visa directly. It is regular process. The problem is you should get an work permit from your employer first(he is resposible to apply for you from related department). I think, maybe he wants to see you first before getting this. BTW, it is true that applicants should be age of 24 or above to work in China.
Answered by Lila | Sep. 19, 2012 02:10
Hi Ethan, thank you for your reply. My employer suggested that I go on a tourist visa to Hong Kong first and then change it into an F visa to Beijing. Do you reckon that's a better option? I can't get my hands on a work permit right now so I can't directly apply for a work visa.
Answered by Ethan | Sep. 19, 2012 03:49
Hi, it is illegal to work in China on F visa. So, better confirm this with your employer. Anyway, it is ok to enter with L then change it into Z in HK if you can not get work permit now.
Answered by Lila | Sep. 19, 2012 08:16
Hi Ethan, thank you so much for your help! I hope I can get it done without wasting any more money or time :)
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