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Asked by Yinggang Tu from USA | May. 11, 2012 16:28
About:How to Choose China Train Ticket Types?

How can I book train tickets oversea?

Since China train tickets use real name system, how can I submit my ID, for example, passport if I order on line, and how can I pay it and get the ticket. Can I do it when I arrived in China? I heard that people can only get tickets few days later when they booking. But I do not want delay my trip. Any suggestion?

Answers (1)
Answered by TCG operater | May. 14, 2012 01:46
Dear Yinggang Tu,
The train ticket will be released to the public about 12 days prior to your traveling date. Thus, you could submit your online order on our website with your booking request, including the passport Info. We will inform you the payment instruction once we receive your booking form. And we will deliver the tickets to your appointed address in China after they are issued before your traveling date. You'd better make the booking as early as possible for better arrangement.

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