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Asked by Ms.MACROPLAZA | Apr. 20, 2012 17:30
About:Chinese Embassy in Mexico

Notarizing a Mexican marriage certificate

I need to get my Mexican marriage certificate notarized so I can use it in China. I got married in Texcoco, Estado de Mexico. I have a couple of questions: 1) Would I need to go into the Chinese consulate in Mexico City to get it notarized or could I go into the one in Tijuana? 2) Would I need to get my marriage certificate translated into Chinese or could I get it notarized without having it translated?

Answers (2)
Answered by Bruce | Apr. 21, 2012 03:02
1. You need to go to Chinese embassy in Mexico City to get marriage certificate authenticated rather than notarized, Estado de Mexico is under the consular districts of China embassy in Mexico.

2. You need to get your marriage certificate translated into Chinese, then get it authenticated.
Answered by elias from UAE | Mar. 04, 2020 04:43
In general, Translation should be performed by a legal translator or legal translation services provider approved by the competent authority in the related country.
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