Which alternatives to get a tourist visa when ACR is not valid for next 6 months?
I am currently working in Korea but my alien card registration will be valid only until 31 March 2012.
I am planning to go back definitetly to France via Beijing-Moscou by transsiberian train.
I would like to spend 3 nights in Beijing before departing by train to Moscou.
Therefore, I would like to apply for a tourist visa valid 4 days. Can I do it in the Chinese Embassy in Seoul?
Thanks a lot for your help
I just posted a question about getting a tourist visa in Seoul although my ACR will expire soon (travelling with transsiberian). I would like to know whether sending my french passeport to France could be an alternative?
Could somebody else from my family process the visa for me?
As an alternative, can I travel first to HK (getting a visa here in Seoul?) and process a visa there in less than 24h?
Thanks a lot