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Asked by Steve | Jan. 12, 2012 16:29
About:Chinese Permanent Residence Permit

Permanent Residence for Spouse Reunion (Wife is Chinese)

May I know how to prove "have stable and secured living status and place to live" and what kind of documents are considered as "proof of secured living status"?

Are " 3. have lived in China for five years in a row, the annual stay in China being no shorter than nine months; and 4. have stable and secured living status and place to live" required for both of us or only me?

I bought an apartment in China already, but not currently working as rentals are my income. Would this situation meet "4. have stable and secured living status and place to live" requirement? I meet all other requirements, so in this situation, what are the chances to get Permanent Residence approved and how long it may take once application is submitted?

Normally, how long the Certificate of Permanent Residence for Spouse Reunion will be good for? 10 years?


Answers (1)
Answered by Norman | Jan. 12, 2012 22:15
Certificate of Permanent Residence for Spouse Reunion will be valid for 10 years.
It takes 6 months for processing once application is submitted.

" 3. have lived in China for five years in a row, the annual stay in China being no shorter than nine months; and 4. have stable and secured living status and place to live" is required only for you.

If your Chinese wife has obtained a permanent residence in a foreign country, you can't apply for Permanent Residence for Spouse Reunion.

I don't think the rentals will be considered as a stable and secured living status. You bought an apartment, but you rent it, you don't have a stable place to live. The chance for you to get permanent residence is slim

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