Asked by Subir | Aug. 07, 2011 23:01

About:Shanghai Sightseeing Bus
What is the right time to visit skyline and lighting of The Bund, Orinetal TV & Jin Mao towers ?
I am visiting Shanghai with my family from Aug. 16 to 20. To enjoy the skyline and lighting of The Bund, Yuyuan garden, The Bund Sightseeing Tunnel ride, Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Jin Mao Tower: (1) what is the good starting time of the afternoonpoint visit, (2) at what srating point, (3) nearest subway station, (4) at what order of these 5 sites to visit, (5) nearest subway station at the last visit point to return to hotel. (6) Any other nearby site (excepting people square & Nanjing rd. I like to visit on different time) I can include in this trip, if yes, then at what order? Thanks in advance for your prompt response.