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Asked by Jack Battick from united states | Jun. 29, 2011 09:44
About:Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum

How can I find information about a family I once resided with in Shanghai, 1939-40?

As a child (7-8 yrs old) I lived in the ground floor apartment of a two-story residential building on Avenue Joffre. I know only the surname of the family from whom we rented the apartment. It was Hermann. My recollection is that they were Austrian Jews who fled to Shanghai to escape Nazi persecution. I have a photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Hermann, if that would help the search.
After we moved into the apartment, Mr. Hermann mounted a small U.S. flag plaque above the doorbell button. I assume this may have been a form of protection for the property.
My father was in the U.S. Navy.
I attended school at the College de Ste. Jeanne d'Arc. I can find no information about this school in present day books. Can anyone help me out on this?

Answers (9)
Answered by Emma | Jun. 29, 2011 22:02
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The school is 若翰纳公学in Chinese in 18 Dumei Road (present Donghu Road, Shanghai). Avenue Joffre is present Middle Huaihai Road. Shanghai Xuhui District Changle Road Primary School is in 18 Donghu Road now. I have no idea if they have any relations, but hope this can help you. Best to you~
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Answered by Bert Remediios | Jan. 11, 2013 15:59
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I too went to Jeanne d'Arc College from about 1946 to 1951 when our family left Shanghai for Hong Kong. I was 11 yrs old. In 2004 I returned to SH and searched for the school and discovered that it had been demolished 6 months before my arrival. However, I revisited the site of the school and even though the school building was gone, I could still identify the rough layout of the roadways and the playground which matched my memory. I hope to return to SH sometime again to search out other memories.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,
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Answered by Jack B. | Jan. 12, 2013 14:52
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Thanks, Bert. I wondered what happened to the school after the Japanese occupied the city in December 1941, and later. Perhaps someone else will see our correspondence and join in the exchange of information. Care to exchange email addresses?
Jack Battick
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Answered by Victor Gostin | Apr. 14, 2013 02:13
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Hello Bert, I was born in august 1940 in Shanghai of Russian parents and we lived in the French Concession during the Japanese occupation. I went to St Jean d'Ark Primary School from 1946-1950. We came as refugees to Australia in June 1950, where we lived in Melbourne till I graduated at Melbourne University. I have now retired from Adelaide University where I have taught geology and environmental earth science since 1970.
During 1948-1950 we lived at 1202 Avenue Joffre [淮海中路] on the 8th floor of a 12 story apartment.
But before that we were living on the 3rd floor of a 3-story unit [within a large compound of similar buildings] with a Chinese family below us - friends who had allowed us in after the Japanese evicted us from earlier residence during the war. I am now trying to find if the three brothers with whom I had grown up are still alive?
I shall be glad to correspond with you - if interested. My Email is : [<span class="clspost">|victor.gostin</span>] best wishes, Victor.

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Answered by Bert Remedios | May. 10, 2013 15:26
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Hi Jack,
I was born in Shanghai in 1939 and our family left in 1951, after the Communists took over. We lived in the French Concession which I returned to on a visit in 1994 and found most of the apartment block still intact. St. Jeanne d'Arc was still operating when we left in 1951 (I think), but I don't know when they shut it down. I was able to find a Brother Conrad who taught there and eventually retired in Hong Kong. He died about 3 years ago
My temporary email address is <span class="clspost">|crabtrap</span>
Bert Remedios
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Answered by oneill | May. 21, 2014 20:30
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I was born in Shenyang (Mukden) in 1939. Father British and mother Russian. We were interned in Shanghai 1942-45, and thereafter lived on Avenue Petain 1945-51, after which we were evacuated. I wound up in Ireland, and emigrated to the U.S. in 1956. My twin brother Terence is deceased. We attended Ste. Jeanne d'Arc 1945-50, and very briefly thereafter SFX. I remember Ste. Jeanne very well - half the classes in French, weekly P.E., football (soccer) on the playground, Mass and communion every Friday, the tuck-box merchant at the gate, dispensing goodies. I do not remember Mr. Remedios, but I do remember Cedric Moroukian, the da Silvas, Gilbert Budda, the Balash brothers, etc. I was a Cub Scout and pack leader, the various Marist brothers, some Irish....Happy to correspond.
des o'neill, <span class="clspost">|oneill</span> in Santa Barbara, CA.
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Answered by Fred Aranas | May. 26, 2014 08:12
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Hello Bertie:
I was your classmate in the Third Standard, You came in first and I second at Years end. You were also a fast runner. I have our class picture where you're sitting in the first row with your legs crossed, nice Jacket and tie, short pants and long socks. You were always very organized. I live in Oregon with my wife,having lived in San Francisco from 1956-2002. I happened to browse into "China Travel Guide" on the internet and I came upon this letter asking about SJA, and I saw your response,Checked out the name and it was you!! I left Shanghia in Dec 1953, went to the Philippines for two years plus then to the US. I also visited S'hai in 2002 , and SJA was demolished already-sad feeling_ I don't know if you'll receive this, so best wishes !!!
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Answered by V Mat | Dec. 22, 2019 17:11
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Hi. Thanks for letting everyone interested know the school was demolished. I have a snapshot of Class 1, with Brother Henry?, taken in 1953. Cheers
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Answered by Michael Crawford | May. 10, 2020 13:04
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I went to St. Jean d'Arc 1946-8 and was sad to discover that it was demolished. My father was a Scottish/American engineer, mother was Russian. We lived in a penthouse on top of Cathay Theatre. After the war we moved to a dp camp in the Philippine Islands, followed by 2 years in Australia and then the US. I am now Professor emeritus and am writing a book about my research and life.
Michael H. Crawford
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