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Asked by Pee-oed from China | Jun. 04, 2011 00:41
About:Badaling Great Wall

How and who do I report poor business practice to in China

Booked a Day bus tour in Beijing, they said it was 4 hours at BaDaLi the great wall of China, and a few other stops, the cost 30RMB or 60RMB for my wife and I. Once on the way and well outside the city of Bejing we were informed it was triple the cost 180RMB for two. We were at BaDaLi for 1.5 hour then the remainder of the day, from 9am to 2pm was spent driving from BaDaLi to a Jade jewelry manufacturing Store listened to a sales pitch, then to a food store to purchase products, 15 minutes for lunch then 15 minutes at a Wax Museum my wife refused to enter and every that went inside said was not good then to another jade jewelry sales presentation. We were droped off in the middle of Bejing, walked to a Subway Station took the subway, transfered to another line, walked to a bus stop and took the bus the rest of the way home. 1.5 hours to get to where we were staying from the time we were dropped off in Beijing. I will never take a bus tour in China ever again!

Answers (2)
Answered by Frank from China | Jun. 04, 2011 20:34
What a bad experience! You may try to report it to Supervisory Office of Tourism Quality of China National Tourism Administration through Tel: 8610 65275315 or Fax: 8610 65201522, 8610 65122096
Answered by Pee-Oed from China | Jun. 05, 2011 21:12
Thanks Frank I was able to find, China National Tourism Administration website that also included there email address and emailed them.
My wifes uncle is a Jurnalist who covers the culture and arts of China and I will inform him also.
They may think they are getting away with something but I plan on making many seats empty on many bus trips in the long future.


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