I have a problem about over stay, I have trip and stay in China from more 3 year, in this time I leave China every time before expiration visa and take every time a new visa, absolutely no problem
I make tax payment also because I life in China more of 180 day
The last visa (F) I get 28 September and expired on 28 December but unfortunately I have mistake the max stay are 30 day, when I realize this big mistake, immediately going to police station for report my situation, the police man prepare a report I make the penalty payment 5.000 Yuan and I receive a new visa 10 day for leave with star, the next day I leave China and arrive in Hong Kong on 21 December for take a new Visa (before I did not know the meaning of star).
The Chinese customs refuse the application of new Visa because I have a star visa, I have read something in internet about and decide, I going to my consulate for ask a new passport, on 28 December I have a new passport.
Today 29 December I going to agency for take a visa but the staff said that must the old passport also, because must show the entry in Hong Kong.
I decide to going in Hong Kong immigration office for transfer the Hong Kong visa in new passport, the custums suggest me, better go and return in Macao.
Finally I going in Macao and return.
Now I am very afraid and don't know if I follow a good way or not
Please tell me your opinion
Best regards