May. 17, 2018 22:25 - How long did the Qings dynasty last? 744977
May. 15, 2018 23:06 - what are my lucky numbers? My date of birth is 2007 04 03 744735
May. 15, 2018 23:04 - my birthday is April 03 2007 Shanghai China - in chinese zodiac what SHOULD... 744734
May. 14, 2018 03:28 - my birthday is June 10, 1943, Toronto, Canada - in chinese zodiac what SHOU... 744275
Apr. 15, 2018 12:24 - What were the capital cities of the han dynasty 265928
Apr. 03, 2018 22:23 - March 23, 1985 in lunar calendar, what is that in western calendar 738554
Mar. 20, 2018 19:34 - what are the major impacts/significnce that the Qing Dynasty did to china? 117413
Mar. 18, 2018 13:30 - achivements of han dynasty? 287624
Mar. 18, 2018 12:00 - What are some accomplishments from the Qin Dynasty? 465111
Mar. 13, 2018 20:46 - what year did the ming dynasty start and end? 503370
Mar. 04, 2018 21:58 - My birth date is April 12 1951 , What are my lucky numbers and business Lin... 734289
Feb. 27, 2018 16:09 - How many states are there in Qin Dynasty? 682164
Feb. 22, 2018 02:26 - what are my lucky number.My date of birth is 1981 09 16 732824
Feb. 22, 2018 02:25 - what is my lucky number for my birthday january 10, 1988? 732803
Feb. 19, 2018 19:40 - where is china? 122059
Feb. 19, 2018 17:01 - What caused the shang dynasty to fall? 278323
Jan. 25, 2018 19:00 - What is the greatest contribution of Qin Dynasty? 656668
Jan. 11, 2018 18:45 - What types of foods would they eat during the Qin Dynasty? 370398
Dec. 26, 2017 18:35 - How long did the Tang Dynasty last? 630747
Dec. 25, 2017 19:46 - My biryhday is may 20 1964. what is my lucky number and color? 725301
Dec. 20, 2017 21:51 - Which Tang Dynasty emperor ruled during the inventions of gunpowder, flame-... 395722
Dec. 18, 2017 14:59 - What type of jobs did the Ming Dynasty have? 364053
Dec. 18, 2017 09:16 - what kind of transportation did Han people have? 567217
Dec. 03, 2017 20:54 - what are some of the acheivements of the Han Dynasty? 722536
Nov. 13, 2017 14:04 - How did Zhou dynasty started and how they ended? 603346
Sep. 04, 2017 01:29 - what were the weaknesses of the Tang Dynasty? 384357
Aug. 24, 2017 21:50 - Where did the Dynasty of Zhou take place? 708361
Jul. 05, 2017 04:41 - Will I become wealthy and what career is line for me? My birthday is June 1... 700946
Jun. 26, 2017 22:47 - What were factors for the collapse of Ming Dynasty? 699281
Jun. 22, 2017 23:03 - I was born 9-29-1987. What are my lucky numbers? and are these always the s... 699434