Asked by P from singapore | May. 19, 2024 01:18

About:Mount Emei
Where do I buy advanced tickets for Emei San Sightseeing Bus?
Where do I buy advanced tickets for Emei San Sightseeing Bus from Bao Guo Temple to the summit? Is there taxi (Didi) that can takes us up the Summit instead? What is the bus difference between the bus and taxi? I am looking at taking a sigh seeing bus from Baoguo Temple Passenger Transportation Center early in the morning (I am staying near Baoguo temple) all the way up to Summit, and then hike down to Qingyin Pavilion, take the sight seeing bus from Wuxiangang Station back to Baoguo Temple Passenger Transportation Center by 4.30pm to catch the high speed railway from Emei San at 5.58pm. Is this hiking trail doable within the time allocated? Thank you.