"Eligible Territories" ... please confirm
Thank you for such great information. I would like to ask if you can point me directly to authority that "eligible territories" for A and C (in your schematic of eligible routes) DO include both Taiwan and Hong Kong.
We are US citizens and our daughter (who is now a US citizen but was born in Taiwan) will be in Taiwan for 2 weeks this summer for a language immersion camp. When we pick her up, we would like to travel to Shanghai and Nanjing on the 144-hour visa-free process (stay 3-4 days). We would then leave Shanghai and travel to Hong Kong and then return to US. Alternatively, we could fly from Taiwan to Hong Kong, then fly to Shanghai, and then return to US.
I have not found official documentation that Taiwan and Hong Kong are eligible territories for A and B.
Lastly, when I look at the application for a regular tourist visa (L), there are comments about when a person was born in China (including Taiwan) and that their old passport from China/Taiwan needs to be included in the application process. Do you know of any issues with the 144-hour visa-free process that we may have with a child who is fully a US citizen now with a US passport, but did once have a Taiwan passport (that passport still exists and is valid)?
Thank you so much for any information