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Asked by limang from nepal | Dec. 26, 2022 03:02
About:1998 Chinese Zodiac - Earth Tiger


hi. i was born on september 16, 1998 . but i am not doing well until this time. i don't know what am i supposed to do with my life. i don't have any particular aims and goals in my life. i finished my college degree but haven't started doing work or anything. i am so lost cause rn. i am so lazy and there is no motivation and discipline in me. also talking about love life. i dated many until now but i lose interest in people over time. just recently i had a long distance relationship. that person really loves me so much but i am quite unsure about it. bc some days i feel like i can't live without them and somedays nothing. as far as i understand myself(which is so much little but) i am not sure about my future, i am lazy, not productive, jobless i feel so wrong involving them in my life. is there something wrong with me? please someone help.

Answers (12)
Answered by Minye | Dec. 30, 2022 12:14
3 0 Reply
There is nothing wrong with you. I am also an Earth Tiger, January 31st, 1999. Right now the world is a crazy place. We feel like we have so much taken from us due to Covid that leaves us adrift from how we feel we are supposed to mature. This year, we can't find what we feel we should be dedicating ourselves to in life. But that is a normal part of growing older. Cultivating interests, expanding our worldview, meeting new people and learning new things is work that is not glamorous. However, this is the very structure of your life. Don't lose yourself in tomorrow that you don't enjoy today. We're still at the start of a long journey. Be open and honest with yourself and others about that fact. Ask for help, cut yourself a break; this is your first time being alive and you're still learning. No one is lazy by nature, only situation. Find those things that are draining your energy and making you mentally unwell. Focus on your physical health and sleeping enough (but not too much). When your body is balance, passion and creativity and interest will follow.
This year has been so hard for me in many ways, but an excellent growing experience. Like you, I felt I wasn't supporting and being loving enough towards my partner and broke up. However, taking that break was critical for me. I travelled and worked on myself before truly appreciating all they did for me and now our relationship has never been stronger. We are considering moving in together next year, following a trip back to family in Taiwan for CNY!
Look out for yourself, try and fail some new things, be appreciative for what you have and look to help others using your skills. I'm rooting for you (:
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Answered by Norashines | Jan. 23, 2023 08:44
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You have an amazing heart and amazing way with words so proud of your answers for this person who is struggling you are so kind-hearted and such a helpful advisor for being so young you are so wise! Thank you for your kind words for this soul who was very much struggling you never know how much your words can bless someone and change their life and put them in the right direction toward the light! God bless you and your relationships
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Answered by Tammi | Jan. 27, 2023 21:40
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It’s so crazy running into this, because I as well was born on September 16 1998, hey there twin :) I completely relate to this too, life gets hard. We’re 24 now and struggling to figure out what we actually want to do with our lives, after everything I’ve went through since right before Covid.. i realize our 20’s are not supposed to be the best most perfect time of our lives. It’s really the time to discover who we are and what we truly want and need. All we can do is keep trying and never lose faith in ourselves. It’s the worst thing we can do. It’s really hard to stay present but we HAVE to. Gotta love being a Virgo huh? We sure know how to doubt ourselves and stress like crazy lol. Good luck to all your ventures friend ❤️
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Answered by Monica | Feb. 14, 2023 00:55
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I love your comment..that was awesome...
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Answered by Deniel | Jul. 02, 2023 21:35
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There's nothing wrong with you. Consider numerology my guy. You're a 7th Life path. There may at times a 7th is lazy but smart and a quick learner. And you love your alone time. Try to be with nature it's one of your no. energy
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Answered by DEBOM | Oct. 27, 2023 10:27
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Bro I have the same case as u in both career nd dating life. I was also lazy no discipline but after starting going to gym and living alone I have developed some discipline nd confidence. Jst start from small work,any work will do. As I was also aimless i just whatever career was available to me but I know wat I need to do
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Answered by DEBOM | Oct. 27, 2023 10:29
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Born on 18 nov 1998, my dating is bad like urs. I also had one long distance and she said she really loved me but exactly like u sometimes I felt very affectionate towards her but sometimes literally nothing. She came on her own then left on her own. Haven't dated nor approached anyone till now,that was 4 yrs ago
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Answered by king U.O | Dec. 12, 2023 14:10
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Nothing wrong. you just don't have a goal to push you forward. If you need you just ask your girlfriend what she wants for her future and work towards that goal or something close to it such as what if she wants a big house with kids and to retire early...well then find a job...grind...and grind some a it off ...start a business....make even more money....then retire....some thing like that should keep you more than busy ..sometime you don't have to do things for yourself sometimes is better to do things for others.
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Answered by Tristan | Dec. 17, 2023 12:39
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As a fellow tiger, we endure struggle together
Whenever I feel weak, just remember that you a tiger, and may that reminder carry you through the tough storms in the sea of life. Love and respect x
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Answered by Nins | Apr. 25, 2024 22:44
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Is 1999 Tiger? or this is just typo?
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Answered by James | May. 08, 2024 16:33
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I was born sep 6th 1998. I wish all of you the best. Everybody here born basically the same time in one place is pretty cool I liked reading all these and seeing where everybody is at in life wishing the best
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Answered by Simon R | Dec. 01, 2024 22:52
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Hey I’m also a tiger and have been feeling the exact same things you are experiencing! My birthday is 04/15/1998 and I also have been struggling on finding what I want to do with my life. My dating life also has been pretty terrible. My last relationship was about 3-4 years and I haven’t dated since 2022. I have trust issues but I’m working on it. I’m currently working in sales which has been good for my finances but mentally I’ve been having a lot more bad days than good ones. I’ve been getting into spirituality more which I feel has been helping me keep a positive attitude. I hope things get better for us and I will keep you in my prayers.
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