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Asked by Alison from usa | Sep. 12, 2021 02:10
About:Year of the Dragon

Wood dragon,Jan 17, 1965, female and male sheep/goat oct 16, 1979 are we compatible?

My boyfriend and I have a considerable age gap.
We met while we were camping due to housing displacement ( moving and Covid).
Now we camp from town to town. It has been really stressful and we have had plenty of nasty arguments.
Sadly he almost sleepwalks and has temper issues directed at me. He claims he doesn’t remember anything. His words and actions hurt me.
He is a good person otherwise though seems to think he’s an empath. I think we all are!
I’m calm until he crosses lines then I just run.
Is this a compatible union wood dragon Jan 17, 1965 and Sheep/goat Oct 16, 1979? Or should o pack it in and move on? This has been a 3 month union so far this year (2021).

Answers (6)
Answered by Ben | Sep. 28, 2021 11:05
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Break up, and find someone around your age. Totally incompatible, short term suffers better than a lifetime. Not mean to be together, quickly pack it and move on.
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Answered by Ben | Sep. 28, 2021 12:47
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I am saying Zodiac's compatible not mean to be together.
You should also talk to him about this issues.
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Answered by Earl | Jan. 19, 2022 22:33
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Being a male Dragon (January, 19,1953 I can only say to you ditch that one there is something much better on the line and down the pike for you. No need to have someone else push your buttons when you know how to push your own. Much love and light sent your way and prayers that you listen to your inter self.
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Answered by jeff | Jan. 20, 2022 15:54
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From a Dragon to another Dragon: Sweetie, get out of this relationship now! I know your understanding and patience is telling you to stay in this, but he's no good for you. And if you stay with him, you will live the rest of your life in regret. You are above and beyond this. You are a DRAGON. Understand you can't save the world. Surely you can not save him. If you're unhappy now? What makes you think that this will ever make you happy? Life is short...remember that...
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Answered by Ryder | Feb. 04, 2022 03:35
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i am 9 and i am a water dragon but even i know that instead of running you should talk to him and see if you can help or you can see why he is angry and just because the zodiac you and him have are not compatible does not mean you and him are not compatible because you decide what you want to do and nobody controls you.
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Answered by Julie | Aug. 28, 2022 07:36
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People are supposed to make their own choices. You can't say if someone is good for another person because you simply first don't know both and second, it's not your business. That also doesn't matter what sign you have as a zodiac doesn't define your life. It's toxic to tell people how they will feel and how their choices will impact them in an uncomfortable sense.
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