Asked by jaz | Jul. 12, 2021 10:52
About:Chinese Zodiac Compatibility


Hello! My boyfriend is a Sagittarius (4 Dec 1987) and I am a Leo (7 August 1993). Based on horoscope, we are the best match yet based on zodiac, we are not suited. We have been together for only a few months, our communication and personality matches pretty well! Any advice to both of this match?

Answers (2)
Answered by alanda | Jul. 12, 2021 19:36
Girl- run. Sagittarius are here for a good time, not a longtime. They don’t care as much as us Leo’s. We care deeply and Sags tend to care about themselves UNLESS they are empaths. They’re not sentimental like us and don’t care about the small details that we care about. I know everyone is different but I have 2 friends that I had to downgrade because they just didn’t gaf and dated 2 Sags. Their needs always come
First and they are too direct but can’t handle truth for themselves
Answered by Yang from China | Jul. 15, 2021 02:50
Your boyfriend is Fire Rabbit and you are Water Rooster. These are NOT compatible signs, and the conflicting Element (Fire vs Water) makes it worse. As for western astrology, please, never fall for the mistake of judging someone on their monthly sign (Sagittarius, Leo, etc) as that is just a small piece of a large puzzle. Terrible advice and great injustices have been made because of people being prejudiced against a particular sign, and it's just ignorance from the people who never studied astrology seriously, but still go around giving bad advice to people who are just asking for help. You two can be friends and have a short-term relationship, just don't expect it to be ''trouble-free''. Good luck.
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