Born in November 1984
I was married for 4 year to a Monkey and we were arguing almost every day or in complete silence. Every time that I spoke about anything; he would start mocking me or trying to put me down or tell me I can’t work my career and they start throwing things because theirs no money coming in. I learned to stay silent to avoid arguments until we went our different ways because honestly if someone cant be themselves around the other person is never gonna be happy. A relationship needs to be base on respect from one to another and not putting the other down or trying to control one another. If someone loves you they’ll listen to you without judging and will not try to control your every move. I’m a rat and honestly I haven’t found my soulmate. I had a relationship with a dragon and after that relationship I was married to a monkey. Non of them were really noticing me; they just saw what I was doing for them. This zodiac animal match hasn’t worked for me. After the last relationship I found happiness being alone. I was always trying to get my perfect match and that person I was able to grow old with but after my marriage with the monkey that honestly it’s better to be alone that being next to someone that doesn’t accept you as you are and you just can never relax around them.