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Asked by maura from usa | Dec. 11, 2020 18:29
About:Year of the Snake

trying to improve cooperation and relationship with my mom

I am a snake born 8/21/1989 and my mom is a dragon born on 3/6/1952
I moved in with my mom about 6 months ago and we are always running into daily trifles and squabbles. Also, I am trying to help her a lot because she says she wants to move to cape cod but there is a lot of stuff in the house the we need to get rid of first. I am trying to help her clean out the house in preparation to help her move. But she keeps saying we do things in a different way and often when I try to help her she says I’m making things worse. 
How can I be the most helpful to her, both with work and in daily life, just living together cooperatively. Also, what can I do to improve the relationship and make the bond between us tighter?
thank you

Answers (4)
Answered by Peyton | Dec. 14, 2020 21:57
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First of all, you are suggested to show enough understanding and patience to your mom. Next, you can find some appropriate time to express your opinions and true feelings. If these still cannot change the current situation, you should adjust yourself and control your temper.
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Answered by maura | Dec. 15, 2020 08:08
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thank you this is much appreciated. I think this will be very helpful. thank you for your help peyton. all the best
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Answered by Priscilla | Dec. 29, 2020 16:36
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First, have patience and everything will be okay in time. Second, you should sit down and talk with each other. If there are still disagreements, then try to do activities with each other, so, it can help you and your mother to understand each other. For example, cooking together, eating at least one meal a day together, and hobbies (e.g bible sessions, painting, book group sessions) Life is too short for us not to give each a chance and time.
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Answered by Zenda | Jan. 14, 2021 20:59
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I have a similar problem. Born 10/06/1989 a Snake daughter to a Dragon mother 03/08/1964.

She is by far the only challenge I cant seem to conquer. Always ready to spit fire and since she flies its harder to genuinely bring her down to earth or my level. Have been stay with her for a year now and it feels like hell, only relaxed when she's not home. Thought out relationship would be better by now but it becomes harder and disheartening the more we're close to each other. I'm finding it hard to positively manifest or evolve around her....

She verbally abused me, so now I'm forever mute around her for the sake of my peace.... Amazingly though I seem to get along well with everyone but the one person that matters most, my mom. The hurt just keeps building up.

What's the best radical solution moving forward?
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