Urgent question. a G visa, appoint time too tight
I (British, residing in London) have filled in the application form for G visa at CVAS (London) today. The next available appointment date is 14 Oct.
- I fly from London to Tokyo on 13 Oct.
- I enter Shanghai on 19 Oct.
- I leave Shangahi to Korea on 23 Oct.
- I fly back to UK on 3 Nov.
I can't make an appointment on 14 Oct in London CVAS because I will be in Tokyo.
- Is there any way that I can have an application appointment with CVAS (London) urgently? Can I go to the Chinese Embassy London in person?
- CVAS (Tokyo) web advises that non-Japanese visitors shall apply for Chinese visa in their country of residence except a special case.
What options do I have ? Some one told me that I can apply for such a transit visa on landing in Shangahi airport, but, I will not take a change without confirming it.
Please help....I am desperate.
Kind regards.
Your fellow citizen.