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Asked by Ulrich von Kenne from Germany | Jun. 24, 2019 23:54
About:144-Hour Visa-Free Transit


We want to travel by direct flight from Taiwan to Bejing, stay in Bejing for 5 days (120 hours) and then to continue with Express Train to Hong-Kong (8 hrs). From Hong-Kong we have a booked home flight to Germany. Is this possible? Is it possible to use the train to Hong-Kong or would it be necessary to fly from Bejing to Hong-Kong?
Many thanks for your help.

Answers (5)
Answered by ZUPAN | Jun. 25, 2019 00:23
First of all, your itinerary is fine and you are eligible for 144 hours visa free transit in Beijing. You are also allowed to use the train, but KEEP IN MIND, you are not allowed to take a high speed train, but a conventional one departing from West Beijing railway station and arriving the next day at Hung Hom railway station in Hong Kong. This train operates every other day and you need a train ticket in your hand before your departure from Taiwan. You can book a ticket (e-confirmation) online in advance that you will print out and have a hard copy with you ready to be shown to relevant authorities. So, you have to plan well that your train departure corresponds with your itinerary. Of course, flying is always an option, but if you prefer the train, why not!?
Answered by HarryPower from United Kingdom | Jun. 25, 2019 04:01
Thinking about taking a similar trip myself ( London- Hong Kong - Beijing - Hong Kong- London) why are we unable to take the high speed train?
Answered by Judd | Jun. 25, 2019 06:33
You need a visa for Hong Kong-Beijing-Hope Kong no matter what form of transportation.
Answered by Ulrich von Kenne from Germany | Jun. 26, 2019 09:29
Thank you very much for your help!!!!
Answered by John Doe | Jun. 26, 2019 14:47
The reason why HSR is unavailable is because passengers won't be going through immigration in Beijing and neighboring regions which is one of the basic requirements for visa-free transit. In fact, all HSR passengers require a visa unless traveling on a visa-exempted passport given that they don't go through Mainland Chinese immigration in Mainland China at all.
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