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Asked by FTh from France | May. 08, 2019 21:29
About:144-Hour Visa-Free Transit

Copy of your hotel reservation in Shanghai Pudong airport

My advise:
Have a copy of your hotel reservation with you: in Shanghai Pudong yesterday, arriving 6.30am from Paris, they didn't want to give me the 144h visa exemption without the hotel reservation. I lost a lot of energy and time to get it per email.
It is not needed according to the above procedure.
Also, what is not exact in the above procedure is that the yellow arrival form cannot be used. A blue specific form is given in the waiting line.

Answers (3)
Answered by ZUPAN | May. 09, 2019 03:59
Trust me, these details were repeated so many times on this forum, but people usually just take it easy and proceed with their travel plans without paying attention on essential details. By the way, thank you for repeating these very important details and I just hope that those who intend to travel using visa free transit will have your words in mind.
Answered by FTh from France | May. 09, 2019 21:59
But then why isn't the hotel reservation proof mentioned in the section "Documents Needed for Application" of your webpage ? You can still improve it, why not?
Answered by ZUPAN | May. 10, 2019 00:10
You are right, but you should keep in mind that this website is not government run and owned, but is trying to be as much informative as possible. Of course, it is not the government that has to inform the agency about what have they decided and implemented recently regarding their visa policies. Just immagine any agency in France that is dealing with various visitors/tourist subjects and the question of Schengen visa is among them. They will try to offer as much as they can to support foreign visitors, but they cannnot know exactly and absolutely precisely about the singlest update that has happened just recently nor is the governemnt obliged to inform them directly. So, this forum is useful tool to provide brand new information regarding various details about visa policy.
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