Zhouzhuang and Tongli water town in 1 day trip
Hi, if at first i go to water town in the early morning bus at the north square from Suzhou Railway station, the journey might take roughly 90 minutes and after that, where should i drop off from the bus to get to water town?
Do i need to book the bus ticket in advance or just come to the north square bus stop on the day of my visit to Zhouzhuang water town and purchase the bus ticket?
How long to spend in Zhouzhuang water town?
Is it do-able to visit Tongli water town after that?
Any alternative way to commute from Zhouzhuang to Tongli water town besides of taking taxi?
How long is adviseable to spend in Tongli water town?
Is it far walking distance from Tongli water town to Tongli station line 4?
Because after that, i plan to return to Suzhou railway station from Tongli station line 4. :)