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Asked by Roland from Brazil | Jul. 16, 2018 10:59
About:Overstaying in China & Penalty

Get married after overstaying

Hello, I live in China a long time, but I had some problems about money and I couldn't make a new entry permit, after I got over stay I was so afraid to go to police and they deport me. But now the money is not a problem anymore, but I'm already 1 year overstayed, how can I solve this problem to leave china but back after few days with a work Z from my company? And if I get married with my Chinese girlfriend also can solve it?

Answers (2)
Answered by Wasabi | Jul. 16, 2018 19:41
Hi, you are advised to report your situation to the local police station, and then pay the fine CNY500 per day; the capped amount won’t exceed CNY10,000. Afterwards, you can apply for an exit pass to leave China. You can inquire the officers that if you can get back after few days with a work Z.
Answered by Mr. X from Australia | Jul. 21, 2018 03:07
People please, don't give use your imaginations to advice about things that you have no background for !!! This is a serious matter.
For one year overstay detention (usually 30 days to 60 days) is unavoidable, the penalty of 10000 RMB might not be required to pay, will be blacklisted for at least 5 years. Marriage might help you to make it possible to shorten the ban time (5 years), but will be very difficult to do. Sorry for not giving the news you'd like to hear.

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