True love
Am metal ox born 11/4/61 born snake hour. Have asked regarding male snake born 2/19/65. Was told patience & marriage soon. However, he prusued me a lot, went cold & hot & cold. He is work a holic. When gone, he has little communication. However, my intuition tells me he is with burdens or addictions. He opens up a lot 'to what he wants to tell me'. He puts me on roller coaster saying he appreciates and likes me then, he says he likes to be alone doing for himself not needing asking others for anything. He has no close friends..except he tells me "his children". I tell him children bring one type of love but there is more to laugh. We have gone on dates & intimate & have fun...but then he gets cold. Please tell me if he is hiding burdens thus pushing me and pulling. Is there future for marriage? I am loyal & can handle a lot no cheating, though. I think something happened to him in childhood or past relationship. I know if he opens emotionally, we can be good & have soul bonding. Now, I cry and confused. Thank you.