Asked by Kathleen Wang from singaporean | Oct. 24, 2016 03:42
About:Shamian Island
17 of us visiting Guangzhou in dec. 5 elderly people cannot walk much. Best way to shamian island?
Answers (3)
Answered by Oliver
Oct. 24, 2016 22:56
Will you start from GZ Downtown Area? If yes, for your convenience, just take a taxi to the island directly. I can estimate the taxi cost if you can provide the more exact starting place. :)
Answered by Kathleen Wanh
Oct. 24, 2016 23:40
Olivia, tks for yr quick reply. We r likely to start fm Louidan Mega Apmt Hotel @ Kam Rueng Plaza, 238 Beijing Rd, Yuexiu District. We probably need 5 taxis to take all 17pax. Wud be helpful if u can provide taxi fare estimates. Besides taxi, do u think His be charter if we charter a coach (for 17 pax)? Also is private coach allowed into Shamian island without problems?
Kathleen Wang
Answered by Oliver
Oct. 25, 2016 00:56
For one taxi, it would cost around CNY 20 in the day time.
Yes, you can also hire a big van from your hotel to the island. See the hotel can arrange that or not. About the detailed information, you can consult the hotel staff directly.