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Asked by LEUNG_AL | May. 06, 2016 23:20
About:Rabbit's Horoscope in 2025

Rabbit 10/16/87 2016 luck so far

So 2016 has seem pretty good(5 months in...), in April I got a new position at a private bank. But the problem seems to lie in the massive amounts of studying I do. I've got a licensing test coming up and my practice exams have only been scoring in the 60's and 70's. I study almost 4-5 hours a day (1 in the morning and 4 at night)... How does my luck and career look for the rest of the year? THANKS to whomever responds! I already know the chances of love are slim to none, just hoping for good news in the career and finances...

Answers (1)
Answered by Lambert from Germany | May. 08, 2016 21:46
You have a pretty good fortune in work. Communicating with experienced colleagues to learn from their experience would benefit you a lot in your later career.
You can try to do some investment in stock market. The advice of stock consultant can be very helpful.
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