Finding the best way to enjoy Mt. Huashan. The questions are the following:
1. How long is the trip from Xi'an to Mt.Huashan? How could I get there by public transportation?
2. If I am willing to see the sunrise, Do we have to stay near the mountain or I could depart from Xi'an in the early morning? If I could depart from Xi'an, could you tell me, what transportion I could use to catch sunrise?
3. What is the best way at the mountain that I could pass? From west peak or north peak? I want to use cable car, see the sunrise, and also try the narrow path using climbing equipments that is famous in the internet. If I could not experience all the things I mentioned before, what is your suggestion? At least I could try that narrow path and enjoy the mountain from the top.
4. Which peak has the most beautiful view but still feasible to reached by cable car? So I could spent the time at the mountain effectively.
Thanks for your attention. I hope someone could answer those questions above.