Answered by BLKSBK | Jan. 30, 2016 22:52
Sorry but I would not be relying on the Chinese horoscope with your employment to take this on for you. I think you are very fortunate as most employees are not aware that their boss want's to replace them. I am a certified Employment case manager so as I explain to my client's, don't rely on anything but yourself; I'm thinking you need to get really busy with your job search. I have clients who tell me one of their friend's, relatives, etc. have a job and will be starting working once all is in place. My response is to keep doing your job search in case it doesn't come together. Most don't bother as are sure they will be working however about 8 out of 10, the job never materialize.
If I was your shoes, I'd be doing a job search every moment you have, not on your employers time but at lunch, after work, etc. Hopefully, with that high level of looking for work, you will find one prior to be replaced and can you imagine the look on your employer's face when you say you are giving your 2 week notice (if that is the norm where you live). It will also do you a great advantage for your resume as most often we are asked in the interview, why we left our previous job. If you were the employer and asks , what might you be thinking if he/she hears from you, "I was fired." You are so far from ahead knowing you are going to be replaced so be proactive, and before you are told that you are fired, you can tell your employer that you quit ! :) ! Good Luck!!!!!