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Asked by ricky from indonesia | Nov. 25, 2015 21:54
About:Chinese Embassy in Indonesia

travel document for baby born in Indonesia with chinese descent

I'm Indonesian married with Chinese. Do I need to apply for travel document for my baby instead of ordinary visa? If so, what are the requirement and how long is the process? Thank you so much in advance for your explanation.

Answers (1)
Answered by Nicole from Germany | Nov. 26, 2015 03:20
Ricky, has your spouse got permanent residence status in Indonesia before the baby was born? If not, you need to apply for a travel document for the baby instead of a normal entry permit.

The required documents are an application form, four recently-taken color photos, the original and photocopy of the baby's birth certificate, the original and photocopy of both parents' passports and marriage certficates, and the original and photocopy of your spouse's residence permit in Indonesia.

It takes 15 working days to deal with the application.

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