Asked by Nikki from Indonesia | Oct. 23, 2015 04:25
About:Wulong Karst National Geology Park

Caves in Wulong Karst

Is there any big underground cave like the lotus cave in this scenic area - Three Natural Bridges? like the 1st and 2nd picture of this page? cause when I browse the internet, people only explain the karst-valley part of it. If there is a cave should we pay another entrance fee to enter the cave?

Answers (4)
Answered by Daniel from USA | Oct. 24, 2015 04:14
Well, this large scenic area contains Three Natural Bridges and Lotus Cave. Lotus Cave scenic spot consist of many small caves. If you still in there, you don't need to pay other entrance ticket. But if you want to visit Three Natural Bridges or Fairy Mountain, you need to pay their entrance tickets.
Answered by Nikki from Indonesia | Oct. 24, 2015 07:59
Thanks for the answer. So does it mean that I should pay only 135 CNY to visit all three attractions that were mentioned above?
Answered by Irina from Russia | Oct. 25, 2015 04:49
No, the three scenic areas above require saparate entrance tickets: Three Natural Bridge, CNY135; Lotus Cave, CNY120, and Houping Giant Doline, CNY60 (just for reference).
Answered by Nikki from Indonesia | Oct. 25, 2015 20:01
allright, thank you very much for the answer. much appreciated
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