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Asked by Michelle from Australia | Apr. 18, 2015 01:52
About:Qingdao Attractions

Qingdao Publication Art Gallery

My husband is going to be staying in the city for the month of May. He's visiting from Adelaide in Australia and holding an art exhibition in the art gallery. He would like to do some sightseeing while there. What is close to walk to near the Gallery that he could visit. Also, what is the weather like at the moment? Cool nights and sunny days?
Thank you.

Answers (1)
Answered by Mary from Indonesia | Apr. 18, 2015 02:41
Near the gallery, there is a Zhanqiao Bridge, which is a must see of the city. it is about 1.1 miles walking distance.
Zhongshan Park is also about 1.2 miles from the gallery.
Number One Bathing Beach, 1.2 miles.

At that time, it is cool and sunny. The average temp is about 59 F at night and 74 F in the day time. One of the most confortable months of the year.
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