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Asked by Jon Wang from USA | Mar. 23, 2015 21:56
About:Visa Application for Children Born in US with Chinese Parents

Name on travel document does not match name on passport

My son was born in the US and holds an US passport. We are applying for a Travel Document for him to go back to China with us, but the problem is that his US passport has a different name from his birth certificate because we changed his name. Chinese consulate will only issue us a Travel Document in his birth name. How will this affect us once we are in China? Will my son be prohibited from entering because of the name discrepancy? What if I bring a court order to explain the discrepancy? Is there anything I can do ahead of time to prevent it?

Answers (1)
Answered by Sharon from Singapore | Mar. 26, 2015 00:49
Jon Wang, as your son have the Chinese travel document at hand, his US passport will not be used when in China. So in theory, there should be no problems.

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