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Asked by Di Di from USA | Dec. 01, 2014 13:30
About:Chinese Embassies and Consulates

Chinese Visa for New Zealand passport holder studying in the U.S.

Hi I am studying in the San Francisco Bay Area. Can I apply Chinese permit in the SF office? And how many years of multiple entry can I get? I have family members in China that I need to visit regularly. Thanks

Answers (1)
Answered by Alan from USA | Dec. 01, 2014 19:24
You are able to apply in Chinese consulate in SF office. Since you will go regularly, you can try to apply a Q type with multiple entries. The validity is hard to tell, because it depends on the officer and the documents you provided.

If you want to consult more details and exact information, you are still suggested to consult the consulate in SF directly.
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