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Asked by Dan from USA | Nov. 17, 2014 22:59
About:China Visa Renewal and Extension

Changing universities

Hello, I am American with residence permit for teaching in China. My contract ends and the visa expires Feb. 10, 2015. I have accepted a job at another university (same job) and the new employer wants something saying that my foreign expert certificate has been cancelled. My old employer won't cancel because then I will be illegal. What is the proper process for changing employers?

Answers (1)
Answered by Hugh from Singapore | Nov. 19, 2014 00:55
For your situation, a letter to show that your former expert has been cancelled is needed. You are suggested to communicate with your old employer and tell them the truth and ask the school to help you to do it.

Then you can ask your new employer to help you to get you a new expert certificate later after you finish your work with the old employer.

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