Answered by Stanley
Oct. 03, 2014 09:50
If jus base on year, husband 1970 is de year of the metal dog with conceal element - metal. Wife 1972 year of the water rat with conceal element -wood. Both year stems wok well. As for the year and rat combine gives out fire wch cud b gd or bad for both day stem. No special animosity for this two to get together. The clash wll b de year conceal element wch de husband r more dominant. Quarrel n arguements r unavoidable n mostly on biz or jobs issue !!! De other clash is de year trigram wch de husband is wood element n r de 4 eastern group while de wife is de 4 western group of earth element !!! This area is abt finance !! Nonetheless I urge both to compromise n things wll wok out well. Gd luck