Where to stay and how to arrive from Wuhan ?
in the posts below I could see some interesting information. I am coming in 2 weeks to Wuhan and wanted to spend the week end in the Wudangshan. I would like to know the best way to be efficient and see the major temples and scenic spots.
Basically, I will arrive with the earliest night train on the saturday morning...at 5:15am in WDS Train Station. And from there ? Where to go ? I guess I"d like to check in at my hotel (not booked yet...yourhelp is needed here too :-)) and then start visitng the mountains.
Where to start ?
I would stay there for one night (I guess staying in the middle of the mountain is the best), and I would take the train of 10:40pm on the sunday night, to be back in Wuhan in the morning of the Monday.
Where is it recommended to stay... ? (taking into account that I will have to put my luggage there when I arrive from the train station)
Thank you very much,