Asked by chong kong ping from Malaysia | Mar. 21, 2014 00:22

About:Hangzhou Transportation
arrive Hangzhou Airport at night need to stay at hotel near train station to shanghai
Hi. Can Sir/ Miss recommand me some hotel ( not so expensive 2 or 4 star ) near train station at HZ to shanghai because i need to arrive to shanghai before noon. Please provide me the ( train price, depart time (morning time ) and do i need to buy the train ticket in advance or can buy on the spot at the train station ) . And i heard there is few station in shanghai can tell me which station to stop nearest to shanghia city centre. I will be going on 6 april 2014 ( saturday) 3 person . And about how much is the taxi price from Xiaoshan Airport to train station AREA at HZ at night about 6.30pm