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Asked by Phil from Canada | Nov. 26, 2013 00:44
About:Year of the Horse

What element am I?

I've only recently noticed there are elements that are linked to our Chinese Syriac signs but I'm still a bit confused about them. I was born in July of 1978 and some sites say I am a fire horse and some day I am an earth house. Maybe there was a typo or I am simply misunderstanding the concept. Is the element based on which month? Or is it based on the cycle our on something else? What element house am I? Please let me know. I am curious.

Thanks. Phil

Answers (2)
Answered by Phil from Canada | Nov. 26, 2013 00:48
Sorry not "Syriac" meant "Zodiac". Stupid auto-correct.
Answered by Jennis from Ireland | Nov. 26, 2013 20:16
U are an earth horse. As I know, it is decided by cycle (Jia Zi- 60 years for a cycle).

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