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Asked by tim27 | Nov. 22, 2013 07:27
About:Marriage Registration in China

Hukou + Q1/Q2 visa


I am gonna get married soon and want to know if I have to be put in my wife’s hukou and about the application regarding the Q1/Q2. (right now I am holding an X)

I want to apply for a Q1. I’m with my wife in kunming. she is from a small town near chengdu in sichuan.

is it possible for me to apply from kunming for the Q1 directly, as she holds the temporary resident permit in kunming.

If I can’t. do I have to apply for the Q1 in chengdu ?? since the police station in the small town obviously won’t be able to offer the Q1.

If all of the above is not possible can any of the above be easily applied for the Q2?

Thank you.

Answers (6)
Answered by Owen from United Kingdom | Nov. 23, 2013 02:17
Hi, you can apply in Kunming, but as I know Q2 is easier, but make sure you should provide your marriage certificate for application.
Answered by tim27 | Nov. 23, 2013 06:17
Do you mean that even if her Hukou is from sichuan, we can still use it and apply in kunming (knowing that she is not local kunming citizen) ?

Thank you again, very helpful !
Answered by Owen from United Kingdom | Nov. 26, 2013 00:36
At least you can have a try to do this in Kunming. As I know, this is allowed if she holds temporary resident permit and reside there.
Answered by Owen | Nov. 26, 2013 00:38
Anyway, it is safe for you to get marriage registration in her hometown, then apply for Q1 at local public security authorities above the county level.
Answered by tim27 | Nov. 26, 2013 03:09
Thank you for the reply

Once getting the marriage certificate in my wife's hometown. Wiil I have to go to my embassy in beijing (since there is no consulate) to authentificate or to stamp the marriage certificate, so that I'd be able to use it to apply for a Q1??
Answered by Owen | Nov. 27, 2013 00:11
I never heard of this before. If the marriage certificate is issued in China by Public Security Bureau, then it is ok for Q1 application.

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