Asked by Sophie from Australia | Jul. 29, 2013 11:15
About:Ningde Travel

Historic wooden bridges in Shouning area in Fujian

My husband and I are interested in visitng Fujian to have a look at some of the historic wooden bridges that are there. We understand that there are some in the Xiadang and Tangkou villages and were wondering how best to get there. We will be coming from Shanghai/Hangzhou.
Appreciate any assistance.

Answers (2)
Answered by Luo from China | Jul. 29, 2013 23:00
From Shanghai South Long-distance Bus Station, there is only one bus at 10:00 to reach Shouning Township directly. Upon reaching Shouning, you need to transfer local buses to reach Xiadang and Tangkou Villages. In my opinion, hiring a local car to visit is good, because the local transportation is not so convenient.
From Hangzhou, there is no direct buses to reach Shouning, so you need to go to Hangzhou South Bus Station to take the only bus for Ningde at around 18:00. Upon reaching ND Bus Station, you can find direct buses for Shouning. The bus Shouning takes about two hours. From Shouning county, you can hire a local car to travel around.
Answered by Sophie from Australia | Aug. 08, 2013 04:46
Thanks so much for your advice Luo. Thanks to you we made it safely to Shouning and with a bit of planning and good luck found a number of the langqiao in Shouning city and saw some beautiful countryside on the way here.
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