Asked by venetta from South Africa | Jun. 21, 2013 12:31
About:Chinese Zodiac Compatibility

born in 1964 and i am rabbit and female - my partner is born in 1989 and male

We get on really well and seem to understand each other, we also know how to irritate each other easily and have miss understandings at times - guess that is normal - we are not in the same country right now - he will be coming here the end of this year - can you see us together do you think it will work out for us? Thank you so much

Answers (4)
Answered by Alina from New Zealand | Jun. 22, 2013 04:42
Generally speaking, you are a peaceful match that always be able to get along well. However, you may need to make more efforts for life-long relationship. You both need to be bearable and personal space needs to be spared for each other.
Answered by venetta from South Africa | Jun. 22, 2013 05:45
Dear Alina thank you so much for replying to my message.......can you tell me though do you see him coming to live in South Africa soon or not..........I would really appreciate an answer with regards to that and if you do see him coming when do you think it could be.
Thank you so much and have a lovely day :)
Answered by Alina | Jun. 24, 2013 21:42
Chinese astrology shows that it still takes some time for him coming to SA living with you. Sorry.
Answered by Venetta from South Africa | May. 22, 2014 12:24
Dear Alina
Yes thank you for replying once again - we are still in contact and still have a really good relationship going - no he is not here yet - but i feel as though he will still be coming to live in south africa - i am not sure when though - tell me if you are able to see this in our future or not - thank you again and sorry for the delay in reading this message - my hotmail account was hacked and i only got this response now.
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