short notice travel to Hangzhou
Hi, I am holding a Philipines passport and living in Timor Leste. i need to travel to Hangzhou next Monday (8th April, latest 9th April). the purpose of my visit is to do source inspection on some road building equipment which I plan to purchase for a big project in Timor Leste.
i understand the need for a visa but the time is too short. i have heard that i can fly to Hong kong and obtain one to enter China via Shenzhen or something like that but my flight itinerary will be from HongKong airport to Hangzhou. my detail flight is Dili (Timor Leste) to Bali, Bali to HongKong, HongKong to Hangzhou.
i hope you can provide me with a solution to a rather complex problem.
some questions which i have :
1) is there any VOA facility in HK airport to enter China ?
2) I have entered China before via Shenzhen visiting a supplier in Guangzhou. so, this is not the first time i am visiting China. what are the supporting documents that i must have ?
thank you. appreciate a speedy reply.