Asked by MISTY GRAY from USA | Jan. 08, 2013 22:48

About:Year of the Dog
Love and Career ( birth date error, corrected)
I have been separated for 3 yrs from someone 08/07/81 who was not forthcoming with me about his past..I left to live in a another country...I took an international trip to get some clarity and on that trip I met the sweetest guy vacationing there and we have been communicating ever since for two year.. (we seem to click) I would like to know if this is something I should continue to invest my time and effort in, will there be a commitment? will there be anything that will prevent us from being together and will my past stay my past?... I was born on 01/25/83 and the guy I am interested in was born on 4/19/78...Also I am currently looking for job..will I find one that I will love in 2013?