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Asked by CKxy from Singapore | Nov. 17, 2012 13:12
About:Mount Huashan

Huashan in December

Is the vast sky plank open during winter?
What's the fastest way to reach the vast sky plank
Walk and the golden walk?

How many hours should I set aside for this side trip from Xi'an?
Can this be done in half a day?

Answers (2)
Answered by Emily | Nov. 17, 2012 21:45
Yes, it is open in winter, but it will be closed if there is snow.
For reaching there, you need to climb to reach. Or you can take the cable car to reach the north peak and then climb there.
From Xian, you can take direct tourims bus line 1 to reach there directly or take the bullet trains to reach North Huashan Station. Then take taxi to reach.
According to the previous experience, you cannot finish the visit in half a day. You can spend half a day to reach the mountain and then climb it at night and go down in the morning.
Answered by zyj225 from China | Nov. 23, 2012 02:43
yes,it is open,yes,if you take cable,it can be done i half a day
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