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Asked by Heidi Hyre-Fenneberg from Denmark | Aug. 20, 2012 08:12
About:China Visa

Is there any way to work in China even though the age is 65 and close to 66

Our american daughter company wants to send a site manager/consultant to China to assist a Chinese project at a customer. The consultant is 65 years old and as age seems to be an issue, I would like to hear if there is any way out here?

Answers (1)
Answered by RoshanQ from Sri Lankan | Aug. 20, 2012 21:07
Hi there I am married to Chinese and living here in Shanghai let me answer your question . In China the Age is just as a issue like all other countries , but I suggest you to explain this to the Chinese Embassy and know from them if its some business and company the person might have a chance . Best wishes.

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