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Asked by Diederik Huig from Netherlands | Jul. 12, 2012 23:34
About:China Visa

quit job, working visa must be cancelled?

Hi, I'm having the next situation: I quit my job and my company began with cancelling my residence permit. I want to know what the relation is between cancelling a residence permit and what effect it has on the working visa (Z). Does the working visa also have to be cancelled? My office suggest me to cancel the working visa and arrange a tourist visa. this will take me at least a week and will cost me extra money. Can i keep my working visa while my residence permit is cancelled? and if i cancel my working visa, how long am i able to stay in china for travelling?

Answers (1)
Answered by Kyle | Jul. 13, 2012 03:22
The fact is that your work visa expired when you get your residence permit. If your company began to cancel you residence permit, you'd better apply for a tourist visa asap with your passport, so that you will not overstay in China. If possible, find you a visa agency to handle this.

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